Stella and Simon Tandem Hammocks Cat Condo
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VERY Bad News for Raw Feeders - the American
Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is about to vote on a policy against the
feeding of raw meat pet food
If you can take the time... The more people that post a
comment the better.
Sharon and Mike
Here’s how one raw feeder, Dr.
Amy Nesselrodt, a DVM and member of the AVMA expresses her concerns:
“Those of us who feed raw want to feed raw. We do not believe heated food
nor High Pressure Pasteurized (HPP) food is the same as raw. We believe (and the
evidence e.g. the pet, has shown) that raw, truly raw with enzymes and
probiotics, is beneficial to our pets. As a busy professional, I want the
freedom to choose commercially available prepared raw food. Truly raw
“Those of us who support raw feeding (and have seen the health benefits
of doing so) don’t want more regulation of raw, limiting our choices and driving
up prices. AVMA’s passing of this resolution would likely cause a chain reaction
of FDA creating more regulation. Regulation would drive up commercially prepared
raw food prices and make it cost prohibitive.”
Pet food recall from Diamond Pet Foods
Delaware Senator Karen E. Peterson has filed SB 147 http://www.legis.delaware.gov/lis/lis146.nsf/vwlegislation/SB+147 "This Bill creates a disciplinary action if a veterinarian gives vaccines in excess of the recommended dosages and/or frequencies." The bill has been assigned to the Senate Agriculture Committee.
What You Can Do To Help:
Contact Senate Agriculture Committee Chair George Bunting George.Bunting@state.de.us (302) 744-4286 and the members below and ask them to vote that SB147 "OUGHT TO PASS."
Joseph W. Booth Joseph.Booth@state.de.us (302) 744-4117
Bruce C. Ennis bruce.ennis@state.de.us (302) 744-4310
F. Gary Simpson gsimpson@udel.edu (302) 744-4134
Robert L. Venables Robert.Venables@state.de.us (302) 744-4298
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