Malnutrition and Toxins: One of the primary reasons your pet’s health is failing or will prematurely fail.
"Every day, people by the millions pour food from a package into their pets bowl. Day in and day out, meal after meal, pets get the same fare. This strange phenomenon is not only widely practiced, but done by loving pet owners who believe they are doing the right thing." Dr. Randy Wysong, DVM |
Dogs and cats must have the active amino acids and live enzymes found only in raw meat to thrive. They will not survive long without great suffering without them. A dog requires the amino acids only found in raw meat, but can survive on a little less meat-based energy than cats. Cats are 100% carnivore.
"When a food is difficult to metabolize, not only is it robbing the body of vital nutrients, it is robbing the body of energy as well. Energy is wasted when the body works harder to digest food, assimilate nutrients and eliminate toxins. This is the energy needed to prevent or reverse symptoms, and run the immune system." Lisa S. Newman, N.D., PhD., Animal Wellness Magazine (2008)
Most commercial dry (kibble) and canned pet foods contain biologically inappropriate sources of protein matter and fats that supply little usable nutrition and many unnatural preservatives and toxins. This is one of the primary reasons that most companion animals are said to be living only half as long as they should and spending the latter part of their shortened life spans suffering with chronic and acute illness.
The Seven Major Problems with Commercial Pet Food:
Dry (kibble), Canned, or Moist Morsels
“Vegetable protein- these are often little more than the sweepings from milling room floors.” Ann N. Martin, Foods Pets Die For, (2003)
Protein type – (meat and meat by-products) A mix of questionable, unfit for consumption meat sources, and significant amounts of plant-based protein sources e.g., grain and vegetable proteins- ground yellow corn, rice husks, wheat, barley, soybean meal, peanut meal and shells-(listed on label as cellulose).
- Carbohydrate overload – biologically inappropriate food for the carnivorous species- burdens digestion and vital organs.
- Low water content – Dry food – carnivores are designed to consume moisture with food. Among other factors it is essential to urinary health.
- Cooked – at 220-270 degree temperatures (to kill bacteria from questionable meat sources). Temperatures above 117 degrees destroy the enzymes and most of the nutrients. Devoid of life, it offers little nutrition.
- Synthetic Vitamin and Mineral Pre-Mixes – can be dangerously high in iron, zinc and copper. And most recently high fluoride.
- Toxins – Preservatives, additives, rancid fats, and drugged animal sources.
- Sweeteners and Flavor Enhancers - unable to properly digest glucose. Burdens vital organs and most flavor enhancers are MSG - an excitotoxin!
"Pet food is putting a huge toxic load on the kidneys and bladders of pets which Mother Nature never designed them to deal with." Dr. Martian Goldstein DVM "The Nature of Animal Healing" (1999) |
Since the birth of the commercial dog food industry some 70 years ago dogs and cats, mostly for our convenience, are eating foods that are foreign to their systems. Despite the packaging label stating otherwise, foods such as various grains, corn, and soy are the primary ingredients in pet foods - some as high as 40-70% grain going into the anatomy of a carnivore! Carnivores are not meant to eat grains, let alone have them as a staple in their diet. In addition to these inappropriate foods, most dry kibble and wet canned pet foods are filled with pathogens, fungi (mycotoxins), and other numerous toxic elements.
Click Here to Read or Print this Full Report
Problems With Processed Pet Food
“A dog has one aim in life… To bestow his heart.” J.R Ackerley

PDF Reference Links:
What’s really in Pet Food, written by Born Free USA
Research papers linking pet diseases to pet food, by Fiona MacMillan
Diet & Disease, what’s the connection? Dr. Lisa S. Newman, ND, PhD. talks about the ill effects of cheap pet food.
On-Line Reference Links:
A Brief History of Commercial Pet Food
Origination of the Domestic Dog, Wikipedia
The Truth about Pet Food organization is working to get the FDA to stop ignoring Federal law by allowing 4-D animals - dead, dying, disabled, and diseased animals as an ingredient in our pet’s food. The proof is undeniable. To get the full story, please see
Food Pets Die For (2003), written by Ann N. Martin, and forwarded by Shawn Messennier, DVM.
Dr. Jean Hofve, DVM, (former Editor-in Chief of the Journal of American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association shares her extensive research at
Dr. Hodgkins rebuttal to the pet food industries response to a 2007 hearing. The pet foods statements are in italics Dr. Hodgkins statement are in bold.
The Myth of 100% Complete Processed Pet Foods, by Dr. Randy Wysong DVM This is an excellent article if you are concerned about “complete nutrition.” It also provides resources of Dr. Wysong’s scientific references. Quote from article: “The point is, don’t believe the claim on any commercially prepared pet (or human) food that is “100% complete and balanced.” It is a spurious unsupported boast, intended to build consumer trust and dependence on commercial products – not create optimal health… ” Dr. Randy Wysong
The Big Business of Pet Food Corporate Profits are Soaring… But How About Your Pet? Could Their Diet be Causing More Harm Than Good, Dr. Karen Becker DVM
The Truth about Dog and Cat Food - short interview video with, Hersh Pendell, the President of AAFCO, confirming claims that dog and cat food may contain the remains of dogs and cats!
For Those Who Choose to Think for Themselves - an article about commercial pet food and rendering factories, by Marina Zacharias
The true horrors of pet food revealed: Prepare to be shocked by what goes into dog and cat food, by Jessica Smith, citizen journalist,
The Dog Food Project has done an excellent work composing a list of pet food ingredients to avoid. This link is useful if you feed canned once in a while or choose a commercial cooked canned food over a raw diet.
Study Finds Euthanasia Agent in Pet Foods - FDA releases long awaited results of pet food survey that tested pet foods for sodium pentobarbital. Report leaves many questions unanswered.
The Management of Canine Epilepsy, by Chris Alderson, Kathy Herman and Marion Mitchell.
Eight to 10 dog food brands contain fluoride in amounts up to 2.5 times higher than EPA drinking water standard...
The Cost of a Pet Food Recall, by Susan Thixton
Disclaimer: By utilizing this website you express your consent to our Disclaimer. Unless otherwise noted, the contents of our website and marketing materials are based upon the research and opinions of Grateful Pet, our business partners and reference materials. We are not licensed veterinarians, physicians, or nutritionists. The information is not intended to diagnose or prescribe or to replace a relationship with a qualified health care professional and it is not intended as medical or nutritional advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the Grateful Pet team. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions for your pet based upon your own research and your personal knowledge concerning your pet. If you use the information on this website to make decisions for your pet’s health or your own health, Grateful Pet assumes no responsibility for such decisions. We provide insight, high quality food, supplements, and gentle remedies and recommend seeking advice from a qualified, nutritionally oriented health care provider who has thoroughly researched your pet’s health