Stella and Simon Tandem Hammocks Cat Condo
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Each petition signature will send an email to the USDA, AVMA, pet insurance companies and state vet boards telling them to stop enabling over-vaccination and end vaccination without informed consent.
DELAWARE SB 147 ACTION ALERT Delaware Senator Karen E. Peterson has filed SB 147 http://www.legis.delaware.gov/lis/lis146.nsf/vwlegislation/SB+147 "This Bill creates a disciplinary action if a veterinarian gives vaccines in excess of the recommended dosages and/or frequencies." The bill has been assigned to the Senate Agriculture Committee. What You Can Do To Help: Contact Senate Agriculture Committee Chair George Bunting George.Bunting@state.de.us (302) 744-4286 and the members below and ask them to vote that SB147 "OUGHT TO PASS." Joseph W. Booth Joseph.Booth@state.de.us (302) 744-4117 Bruce C. Ennis bruce.ennis@state.de.us (302) 744-4310 F. Gary Simpson gsimpson@udel.edu (302) 744-4134 Robert L. Venables Robert.Venables@state.de.us (302) 744-4298 Permission Granted to Cross-Post Lifelong Immunity - Why Vets Are Pushing Back
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