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The companion animal’s diet and how we can make a substantial, immediate difference in their nutrient availability, uptake, and use.
Many veterinary health care professionals believe the main cause of illness and early death of our companion animals is directly related to poor nutrition. Whereas, pets that are fed nutritious, biologically appropriate foods remain healthy, active and free of common diseases well beyond what most pet guardians and professionals would consider “old age.”
Raw meat, bone, and organs simulate nature’s perfect meal.
"Raw foods are the most powerful healers for our companion animals. They are more digestible and the most absorbable nutrients we can provide. They are the building blocks for our animals' innate healing abilities - tissue repair and organ regeneration." Tamara Hebbler, DVM of Healing Hope, Canine Raw Food Diets Basics. |
These foods contain the amino acids utilized by dogs and cats for various metabolic and energy activities. Of the twenty-two identified alpha amino acids, our pets can synthesize eleven (cats) to twelve (dogs) of these internally. The other ten to eleven amino acids are referred to as essential amino acids because they must be obtained from the foods that our four-legged friends consume. These amino acids in their raw unadulterated state are the most highly absorbent form of amino acids you can provide your furry loved one.
Raw feeding will bring many health benefits to your pet, but first let’s look at the six primary reasons to begin offering your dog, cat (or ferret) a raw food diet.
“In general, high-quality animal proteins provide superior amino acid balances for companion animals, compared with the amino acids that are supplied by grain proteins. The proteins in grains are not as balanced or available as the protein in high-quality animal sources…”Canine and Feline Nutrition, by Case, Carey and Hirakawa |
- Biologically appropriate: Provides food your pet is physiologically (functioning process) and metabolically (assimilation and elimination) designed to eat allowing them to assimilate maximum nutrient benefit without burden to their vital organs.
- Mother Nature’s perfect balance: Supplies “life energy” with its wide spectrum of essential (unadulterated) amino acids, living enzymes, and highly absorbable vitamins and minerals that the carnivorous pet requires for optimal health.
- The ultimate quality control: Allows you complete control over exactly what your loved one is eating. No concern that the food is dangerously too low in this, too high in that, etc.
- Individualized supplementation: Provides for easy diet adjustments to suit your pet’s individual nutrient needs with whole living foods.
- Eliminate toxins: Prevents ingesting toxic
"All processed pet foods… are missing something that seems to me to be one of the most important “nutrients” of all…. It is a quality found only in freshly grown, uncooked whole foods. It’s life energy.” – Dr. Richard Pitcairn, DVM
chemicals, preservatives, additives and other questionable health-defeating ingredients. Also, highly digestible protein limits nitrogen by-products, a major cause of kidney problems.
- Nature’s medicine: Feeds the vital organs, body tissues and energy force with the healing power of clean whole-foods
Your Furry Loved One Will Benefit from Species Appropriate Raw Food.
"Life in all its fullness is Mother Nature obeyed" Dr. Weston A. Price
Switch Your Pet to Raw and Watch Their Health Restore
- Optimal nutrition (Natural Whole food source
“Even a 12 year old terrier with few teeth, mammary cancer, a heart condition, and liver problems bounced back and gained weight on a diet of raw chicken wings.”Dr. Tom Lonsdale, the West Australian “Today” (3-2002)
of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids)
- Enhanced immune system – healthy immune response
- Reverses many illnesses
- Supports rather than burdens all vital organs
- Eliminates metabolic stress – raw protein provides intracellular (between the cells) moisture, and therefore natural hydration
- Physical energy – stamina, power, muscular body mass
- Emotional energy balance – hyper pets get calmer-lethargic pets come alive
- Stops most allergies

- Maintains healthy weight
- Healthy teeth and gums
- Healthy skin and coat
- Snuffs out doggie odor
- Eliminates most common symptoms associated with regular consumption of commercial pet food such as; diarrhea, increased flatulence, intermittent vomiting, and prolonged scratching and chewing
- Aids with anal gland issues (Smaller, naturally firm feces)
- Reduced risk of bloat (not proven, but makes sense)
- Less frequent stressful visits to the veterinarian
- No anesthesia and its negative health impact (For teeth cleanings, tumor removals, and other procedures which become unnecessary.)
- Develop at appropriate rate – quick growth spurts are avoided
- Less suffering
- Extended quality life; healthier and happier

We don’t feed our companion animals a raw diet to spoil them, anymore than we consider it excessive to eat right ourselves or to make sure our two-legged kids eat properly. We do it because we also want to give our furry family members every opportunity to live a long and healthy life.
“Although we have come to accept commercial foods as being normal or natural ways to feed animals and indeed ourselves, in fact they are not. They are simply what we’ve gotten used to in the last few decades, but nothing we can produce commercially ever can rival those mysteriously complex foods manufactured for eons by nature itself”.
Dr. Richard Pitcairn, DVM
Click Here to Read or Print this Full Report Why Feed Raw PDF Links: Elimination of Common Diseases in Dogs and Cats Through Diet Alone, (Dec. 7, 2003) William Pollak, DVM http://www.healthyvet.com Raw Meaty Bones for Dogs, Cats and Ferrets, Dr. Tom Lonsdale, DVM When to consider reducing protein to a moderate amount in dogs with kidney failure, Dr. Patricia Schenck, DVM, PhD, Veterinary Nutritionist and author of Home Prepared Dog and Cat Diets (2010) On-Line Links: Digestion and Anatomy of the Canine, by Lew Olson, PhD http://www.b-naturals.com/newsletter/digestion-anatomy/ The Big Business Of The Pet Food Corporate Profits are Soaring… But how About Your Pet? Could Their Diet be Causing More Harm Than Good? By Dr. Karen Becker http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/real-food-for-healthy-dogs-and-cats-cookbook.aspx The Evolutionary Basis for the Feeding Behavior of Domestic Dogs and Cats, Journal of Nutrition 136 July 2006. This paper concludes “When feeding domestic cats and dogs both display the legacy of their origins in the carnivore.” http://jn.nutrition.org/cgi/content/full/136/7/1927S Know Your Cat: Know the basics of Feline Nutrition, by Lisa A. Pierson, DVM http://www.catinfo.org/#Cats_Need_Animal-Based_Protein Focus On Protein, by TPC, (Sept. 2009) http://www.thepetcenter.com/article.aspx?id=3408 Kidney Disease, Dr. Wysong, DVM http://www.wysong.net/learn/entry/84/ Lewis Olson, PhD Natural Health of B-Naturals.com says “…the starches and grains slow down the digestive process for dogs and can cause irritation and spasms in the large intestine… Starches pose another problem in canine digestion. Most grains contain phytin, which inhibits the absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and also iodine.” http://www.b-naturals.com/newsletter/carbohydrates “Dogs fed dry food have higher counts of three of the five bacteria in the study” Dr. Karen Becker http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2010/08/05/nations-leading-dog-therapy-organization-shoots-self-in-foot-with-ban-on-raw-fed-pets.aspx Dog-Wolf breeding history and genetic diversity http://www.nwcreation.net/dogsandwolves.html DNA Studies: Trace Fido’s Family Tree, by Sarah Graham (2002) http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=dna-study-traces-fidos-fa Why Feed Your pet A Homemade Diet, Dr. Karen Becker "Avoid biologically inappropriate food...provide a diet that mimics your pet's biological nutritional requirements..." http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2010/01/06/whats-the-best-food-for-your-pet.aspx Adorable short video of a cat pushing a dog away from its food http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qzwi9eF3QOw
Disclaimer: By utilizing this website you express your consent to our Disclaimer. Unless otherwise noted, the contents of our website and marketing materials are based upon the research and opinions of Grateful Pet, our business partners and reference materials. We are not licensed veterinarians, physicians, or nutritionists. The information is not intended to diagnose or prescribe or to replace a relationship with a qualified health care professional and it is not intended as medical or nutritional advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the Grateful Pet team. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions for your pet based upon your own research and your personal knowledge concerning your pet. If you use the information on this website to make decisions for your pet’s health or your own health, Grateful Pet assumes no responsibility for such decisions. We provide insight, high quality food, supplements, and gentle remedies and recommend seeking advice from a qualified, nutritionally oriented health care provider who has thoroughly researched your pet’s health.
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